Cnr Jason Moyo and Herbert Chitepo, Mutare, Zimbabwe. Tel +263 202066928
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/mutaresoccom/
To become a fully functional Diocesan Commission which will promote the Church’s mission of evangelizing through the Media.
Promoting pastoral activities through the use of relevant modern means of communication and to reach out to all people in response to the growing social, spiritual, economic, political and cultural challenges of our time .
To evangelise through social communications using different types of media and promote interactive communications from small Christian communities going up.
To empower the youth through media education to appreciate and critically analyze different types of mass media.
To work in collaboration with other Commissions by providing communications assistance through training and
To encourage Church personnel and the youth to actively participate in media in a creative manner, emphasizing the importance of Social Communication and foster the training and on-going professional formation.
To coordinate communication activities, within the Diocese
Gather information from various sources about the activities of the Church in the Diocese and at National level and to effectively present it.
To empower media consumers, especially the youth to be appreciative, critical and discriminative users of mass media.
To identify, train and promote young talents for Church's communications work and for the mainstream media.
To train Church personnel for creative interaction and participation in media.
To promote and uphold human dignity and be the voice of the voiceless.
Caritas Mutare Zimbabwe
Cnr JasonMoyo and Herbert Chitepo, Mutare, Zimbabwe
Caritas Zimbabwe Mutare (@CaritasMutare) | Twitter cadec@mweb.co.zw
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Caritas-Zimbabwe-Mutare-435582420318611
Caritas Zimbabwe Mutare (formerly known as CADEC) is the development arm of the Catholic Church, diocese of Mutare. It is an official humanitarian , relief It has been involved in a number of developmental programs in Manicalands’ six districts.
Our Vision
God loving communities that are empowered in sustainable livelihoods and living with dignity
Our Mission
Guided by the social teachings of the Roman Catholic church , Carita Zimbabwe Mutare thrives to promote food security , social protection , environmental management , water and sanitation for vulnerable men and women ,boys and girls in sustainable manner within the diocese of Mutare.
Our values and Principles
Caritas lives by the following values and principles
• Dignity of human beings : God created man in the image of himself ,in the image of God he created him male and female he created them(Genesis 1,27)
• Solidarity /sharing: “Solidarity is the sharing of what we are , what we believe and what we have “)
• Service : includes sacrifice, humility,
magnanimity and also the quality and efficiency for a rational use of resources and self promotion.
• Subsidiarity and partnership: The emphasis is on respect for the principle of local autonomy for all activities carried out at local
scale . the local services are the first to take action because they are integrated in the local communities
• Compassion: Confronted by Diocesan Poverty and suffering our fundamental response is compassion rooted in love
• Hope: In the knowledge that hope is not passive , we believe that by working together a better world can and must be achieved so that all can enjoy fullness of life
• Equality: Caritas believes in the intrinsic dignity of every person and that all women and men are equal. Caritas works with all people
regardless of race , gender , religion or politics .
• Justice: Caritas believes that one cannot make a gift of something a person should already have by right . Caritas listens to the voice of the silent poor and enable them to speak for themselves .
• Stewardship: Caritas Mutare believes the Diocese and all its resources are entrusted to humankind and seek to act in an environmentally responsible way as true stewards of creation.
Catholic Health RC Diocese of Mutare
Box 877 Mutare,
Cnr Jason Moyo and Herbert Chitepo
TEL: 63-020-62608, Email cathohealth@gmail.com
To improve the health and well being of all Zimbabwean citizens with a focus on those most at risk, and to contribute to the health system so it can be more responsive to the needs of the people
To prevent disease, promote health and provide comprehensive, holistic care for the poor, sick, marginalized, and so participate in Christ’s ministry of healing.
To reduce the burden of disease, maternal and infant mortality and increase life expectancy through the provision of adequate and equitable maternal and child health services, facilitate the promotion of environmental health and sanitation, promotion of adequate nutrition, control of communicable diseases.
To train and make available competent and adequate number of health staff to manage health services with a gender perspective at all levels. Capacity building of human resources at all levels in management and health services provision will be addressed.
Sensitize the community on common preventable health problems, and improve the capabilities at all levels of society to assess and analyze problems and design appropriate action through genuine community involvement.
Promote awareness among employees and the community at large that, health problems can only be adequately solved through multisectoral cooperation involving such sectors as Education, Agriculture, Water, Private Sector including Non Governmental Organizations, Civil Society and Central Ministries, as well as Regional Administration and Local Government, and Community Development, Gender and Children.
Create awareness through family health promotion that the responsibility for one’s health rests in the individuals as an integral part of the family, community and nation.
Promote and sustain public-private partnership in the delivery of health services.
Advance the Catholic values and teachings.
To help young people to achieve their spiritual, intellectual, and social potential and thus prepare them for adult life; give them a deeper knowledge of their Christian vocation; develop a sense of duty and responsibility; of self reliance and cooperation; respect themselves and others, and develop a spirit of self-discipline.
Help the Youth to deepen their Christian faith and to apply principles of faith in their daily lives.
• To foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each person-promote good moral behaviour and Christian principles and prepare them to Priestly, Religious life and Christian Marriage vocations.
• Empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today-develop leadership among the Youth
• To Involve in social and developmental activities-offer our Youth the opportunity to develop their lives as well as the lives of our communities.
• To draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith community.
• To explore and promote their talents-encourage self help projects that promote development of individual, community and society at large.
• To promote Zimbabwean culture and language-help young people to grow into citizens of our country and encourage them to preserve and respect those aspects of our culture that encourage good living
• To guide the youth in their problems and crisis
The Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace in Zimbabwe-Mutare Diocesan Office (CCJP-M) is an arm of the Roman Catholic Church. It operates within the structures of the RC Diocese of Mutare promoting justice and peace since its establishment in 1972 by the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishop’s Conference (ZCBC).
CCJP Mutare Envisions God fearing community that radiates joy and light in a democratic and prosperous Diocese .
CCJP exist to foster Justice and peace for citizens in the Diocese guided by Gospel values .
Our Values
Human Dignity, Respect for human life , Association, Participation, opinion for the poor, solidarity, Subsidiarity, Common Goo, Stewardship of creation, Universal destination of earth’s goods.
Strategic Pillars
Resilience Bulding,
Institutional Development.
27 Tenth Avenue Mutare, Zimbabwe
Email:yazimb@gmail.com, Website: http://www.youthalive.org.zw/
Go for the goal of life:
We Educate to Transform
and Empower
Youth Alive Zimbabwe (YA Zim) is a positive peer support group. Based on Christian faith and values, it welcomes youth of all denominations and beliefs. The overall objective of Youth Alive Zimbabwe is to empower young people to make responsible, life-giving choices so that they can live positive, healthy and fulfilling lives. It encourages the young people making this choice to be a positive and constructive influence to their peers and to use this positive peer pressure to support and encourage each other to live positively. Youth Alive activities began in Zimbabwe following the first Education For Life –a Behaviour Change Process (EFL-BCP) workshop in April 1999. Sr Miriam Duggan organized the workshop in conjunction with the Bishop’s Office, Mutare Diocese for Parish and Youth Leaders from Mutare and Harare Dioceses.The need for Youth Alive in Zimbabwe was recognized if these workshops were to continue and also as a tool to ensure the support and sustainability of non-risk behaviour in young people after the workshops.
Our mission is to address behaviour change, upholding good values and develop young people of integrity, service and good character; people who understand their purpose of life and live exemplary lives.
To develop an AIDS free generation where young people can enjoy the fullness of life.
• We believe that every person has the right to grow towards his/her unique potential in an enabling environment.
• We believe in abstinence before marriage and faithfulness to a lifelong partner within marriage.
• We believe that all individuals and communities have the inherent capacity to change attitudes and behaviours.
• We believe behaviour change is the only essential strategy in overcoming the HIV pandemic.
Diocese Of Mutare Community Care Programme DOMCCP
Diocese of Mutare Community Care Prramme (DOMCCP) is a community based organisation working in Manicaland Province of Zimbabwe. Established in 1992 as a Trust, the original focus of DOMCCP was set on reducing the impact of HIV and AIDS through the home-based care programme. This was at a time when there was no anti-retroviral treatment (ART) and many HIV positive people were discharged from healthcare facilities to the care of their families at home. However, the passage of time witnessed an evolution of the AIDS pandemic and the advent of anti-retroviral treatment, which reduced the burden of care from communities. This saw DOMCCP transforming its focus and strategies to address contemporary health and development challenges of communities, especially the marginalized. In 2015, DOMCCP was registered as a Private Voluntary Organisation (PVO) in compliance with the laws of Zimbabwe, showing our serious intention to continue serving the needy with greater accountability within the confines of the law. Our work is guided by successive five-year strategic plans which seek to address challenges facing the people that we work with, in order to improve their lives.
Healthy, empowered and productive communities.
Empower ommunities to own their development for sustainability and improved standards of
DOMCCP St Joseph's Mission Box SK60 Sakubva, ZWE Mutare, Zimbabwe
Phone:+263 20 69263 / 67680
Email enquiries@domccp.co.zw
Social:facebook.com/1670239109859860. Website:www.domccp.co.zw
Concept by Sr. Marceline Mudambo
Design by Daniel Njondaya @ Pureplus Solutions 2019